Recovery (janathon day 11)

Wednesday had been going pretty well, on the whole. I’d slept in a bit, and had a reasonable day at work. I did a short gym session in the evening (2km rowing and some weights), some minor errands … and then things went somewhat off-piste.

A daughter had asked for some help with an essay, which ended up taking rather longer than expected. Instead of getting a lovely early night as planned, I ended up getting a rather late one, made worse by then not really sleeping well.

Today I feel like a zombie. Goodness knows what will happen for some exercise today, I may call a tactical retreat. I definitely need to hit the sack sooner rather than later, though, to get back on plan.

Janathon entry for 11th: 2km row (3:57 / 4:04 splits), and some bench press, squats and lat pulldowns

Janathon entry for today: TBC (but at least 20 sit-ups)