Iterating (janathon day 20)

I decided to have a go at forming a daily blogging habit about two and a half months ago. Since then, the habit does seem to have formed fairly strongly; apart from when I’ve been ill, I have written a blog post every day since then. It’s been fun, too.

At this point I’m thinking about iterating on the approach I’m taking, to improve what you might call the “signal to noise ratio”. The words of a song by Talking Heads springs to mind: “when I’ve got nothing to say, my lips are tied”. I’m thinking about having a more specific focus to what I write about in the blog, and perhaps also moving some of my more diary-like future updates across to Mastodon rather than here.

This does need some thinking about, though. Particularly when I moved my old WordPress blog content across to here, I actually found it really interesting to look back at what had been going on in the past. It was fairly insightful, for instance, to notice how long I seem to have been experiencing Achilles problems - try searching for that word, and see what comes up!

I don’t have specific plans yet, but I’d be interested to hear any views on the subject and expect to make some changes some time soon.

Janathon entry: an hour of early-morning chilly circuits

Photo by SUNBEAM PHOTOGRAPHY on Unsplash