Tick list (janathon day 22)

Sleep hasn’t featured as much in today’s outline as I had hoped.

First, I ended up getting to bed stupidly late for tax return-related reasons. Then I had a call from my son who has just started a journey in Africa and had an issue where he needed a photo of a bank card he kept at home. With time differences etc, that was not long after 7am, about five hours after I managed to get to sleep. Happy to take the call, but not the best start to the day!

Much of the day has been taken over with tax returns, unsurprisingly. The good news is that the first - and most complicated - one has now actually been submitted. So just one left, and that one tends to be a bit more straightforward.

One thing that has become apparent during this process is that I need to do some file organisation. The documents etc that feed into the tax return (and indeed many other things) are scattered a bit too haphazardly around the various disks of some laptops. They really ought to be stored somewhere with a bit of thought having gone into the organisation. Actually sorting this might be quite fun, though, as I believe there are a load of photos that need to be tracked down as part of this. Also I’m feeling the need to buy a NAS or something, to keep these things safe.

We made it to the spa later on for some proper sauna and steam room time; we must have been in there about 40 minutes. I had been hoping to go to the gym as well, but that was not realistic given the way the day went. At least we got out for a decent walk in the morning, must have been just over 5km. That will have to do.

Janathon entry: ~5km walk, and 20 sit-ups (tax returns don’t count)