Tired (janathon day 25)

One of my least favourite sleep-related events is the kind when for some reason I end up going to bed really late, but console myself with the idea that I’ll have a bit of a lie-in to compensate, only to find that the universe has other plans. This happened last weekend when my late-night sleep deprivation was exacerbated by a very early phone call the following morning. Last night was similar, as I was woken a few times during the night.

Not keen to have the day go off track, I still managed a short gym stint in the morning (2km row in 7:50 … happy; some weights) then headed to the office. Work was busy, in a good way. After work we decided it would be rude not to go to the sauna, then there were various bits and pieces to tie up (tax return number two is now looking good, and a quick work call).

And again it is late, and I’m off to bed. So the sleep still needs some work, but at least I’ve eaten alright!

Janathon entry: 2km row (3:58 / 3:52 splits); some bench presses and bent-over rows