Restorative yoga

Today didn’t get off to the best of starts. Due to a confusion with laundry, I discovered that my wallet and car keys were swooshing round the washing machine. Sorting this out delayed my trip to the gym, some present-buying and then our leaving to head into London for … a restorative yoga session.

Ellie and I went to a three-hour session at the Life Centre in Notting Hill - a “Restorative Yoga and Sound Healing Workshop”. We both enjoyed it. The first couple of hours were spent doing the restorative yoga side, which is basically an extremely prop-heavy experience, arranging your body into different configurations to achieve relaxation and stretching. It took our agitation levels down from |------o-| to more like |-o------|, you might say. The last hour was then spent reclining while a talented musician performed using sound bowls and sang accompanied by various instruments. This bit was pretty surreal, honestly - I was well into the “liminal state” of being not awake and not asleep, so it was pretty trippy! I hope I’ll be back at some point for a rematch.

After that, we went round the corner for a super-tasty greek dinner (I believe it was Pame Greek). Then across to Covent Garden we headed to visit my brother’s family (our niece has a birthday soon). Then home, and next bed!

So, that’s today in a five-minute nutshell.