Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Backlog

    We caught up with some friends this morning, ambling around the lovely Rickmansworth Aquadrome in the sun. There was also coffee. Later, we popped over to see my in-laws, and managed to catch up a bit on the family support line backlog.

  • Restorative yoga

    Today didn’t get off to the best of starts. Due to a confusion with laundry, I discovered that my wallet and car keys were swooshing round the washing machine. Sorting this out delayed my trip to the gym, some present-buying and then our leaving to head into London for … a restorative yoga session.

  • Swimming

    It’s going to take some time to get back into the headspace of writing daily, I can sense. This is mainly because my head is jumping around between different subjects, and needs a bit of reining in. In no particular order, here are some of the things in my head:

  • I'm back

    Yesterday I performed the flute solo I’ve been working on these last few months, with my local orchestra the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra.

  • York, among other things

    I’ve been in York for the last few days, visiting my daughter at university. We decided to get the train up rather than driving this time, which has made the whole experience easier (I started writing this post on the train heading back down).

  • Qigong sound immersion

    For various unfortunate reasons, I ended up working quite late last night. The not-too-long version is that we had a Tesco food delivery booked for 10-11pm, and I was doing some work while waiting for the delivery. At around midnight I thought I should check what was going on, and then found an email from a few hours earlier saying...

  • Websites

    The approach I’ve set up for this website has been working really very well indeed. Now obviously I’m a developer-type, slightly techy kind of person so I would say this. But, adding a new blog post as I’m doing now is pretty straightforward. I open a text editor, add some dull boilerplate at the top with titles etc, then just...

  • Spa

    Today is a story in two parts. It kicked off with some outdoor circuits followed by a quick gym stint to get some rowing in (1km in 3:55) and weighted heel drops for Achilles reasons.