Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Search

    Today’s blog time has mainly been spent working on some of the technology stack for this blog: I’d like to get search going. As of now, the first bit of this is done. Unfortunately that’s the invisible bit: watch this space for updates over the next few days. I’m planning to use the lunr library for this, as it...

  • Re-think

    I’ve had a pretty good stint thus far on blogging daily. Writing a blog entry is on its way to becoming a daily habit, so now I think some thought is required to figure out what it actually is I’m trying to achieve.

  • Jobs

    Now that we are all at home, today has mainly been a day of jobs. Nothing earth-shattering, mostly things like getting some of our decorative LED lights working, fixing a daughter’s window, posting letters and so on. The most involved one was assembling a bed - which was, in fairness, quite involved.

  • Last work day

    Today was my last day at work this year (apart from a bit of twiddling with admin etc). Not my finest day - I am continuing to feel a bit poorly, and this didn’t help. Nevertheless I did manage to round a few things off. So obviously it’s a great time to head home, have a nice early night and...

  • Dear diary

    Today has been more of a “doing” than a “thinking” day. Probably too much so. For that reason, this is going to read a bit more like a journal than anything.

  • In between

    Today has been a rather in-between kind of day. After feeling a bit better last night, I woke up feeling not so great this morning, so lost a chunk of day that way. It’s also been really miserable, cold and wet, which has put a literal damper on things.

  • Waddesdon

    You might have noticed the lack of a blog post yesterday. In fact I was rather under the weather: here’s what happened.

  • Playing and listening to music

    This evening was the final orchestra rehearsal of the year. We spent the first hour playing through some repertoire - basically sight-reading our way through some nice music for fun. Today’s choice was Mozart’s symphony No 41 in C Major. Then the second half was more of a “social”, with some mulled wine and mince pies etc.

  • Brief

    A brief post today, as I’ve been working rather long hours. I have things on my list that need to be no longer on it - and as of now, I think I’ve knocked them off. Phew!

  • Achilles

    For a while now I’ve had some issues with my Achilles tendon. It started a few years ago, at a time when I was upping my running in preparation for a half-marathon. Since then, it’s been somewhat “on and off”.