Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Making changes

    Yesterday’s blog post set me thinking about how I want things to be, as compared to how they are. There are some areas I want to work to improve, particularly:

  • Sleep

    I’m beginning to realise that, down the line, I’m going to look back at what I’ve been writing in this blog and see clear themes emerging.

  • Diary format

    I haven’t really decided where this blog stands on the well-thought-out-article vs daily-journal-diary spectrum. Having covered a particular topic each day until now, I think today I’ll see how it feels taking the other side of the balance.

  • Slow and steady

    My approach in setting up this blog was to try to follow the adage: slow and steady wins the race. My natural tendency is to launch into things with gusto, and then lose enthusiasm and focus. I’ve come to learn that mindset is really important, and that keeping on doing something is far more important than getting caught up on...

  • Downtime

    On the way in to work this morning, I was listening to an episode of the Huberman Podcast, which is often thought-provoking. The subject of ultradian cycles came up - I hadn’t heard of them before, but apparently our bodies have 90-minute cycles that happen during the night / day. If you pay attention to how you are feeling,...

  • Hello World

    Hello, world! This blog has been set up as an experiment. I find it very easy to put things off, especially if they feel large and intimidating. However, I have been keen to get a daily blogging practice going for a long time. The answer I’ve come up with is this blog: one post per day, written in no more...

  • Janathon '20 day 26: walking, and learning a lesson

    Well, it was Regent's Park again today, then a walk down to town to pick up the car we left there last night. Total: just over 16,000 steps, which I'm guessing is about 7 miles perhaps? (Oh, and a nice dog we saw while there). I had hoped to get a run...

  • Janathon '20 day 25: rather eventful walking

    Mrs H was in London today for a training course, so I went into Town with her and we had a good walk through Regent's Park. Cutting to the chase, I have just hit 20,800 steps so with the round trip and some walking later I've done alright overall. Quite eventful it was, though - in no particular order:

  • Janathon '20 day 24: excuses, mainly

    Mrs H had a pretty full-on day yesterday, starting very early and requiring some careful planning. So circuits was out of the question, realistically. Then, after the day was over, I couldn't really avoid my full Uber-Dad duties, ferrying children to/from Guides, jobs etc. Then I got sucked into helping my 16yo set up a revision timetable - where I...