Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Humidity and shopping

    I have just ordered a dehumidifier. Our house was built around 1930, at a point where cavity walls weren’t considered worth the effort. As a result, and now that the weather is so cold, the building is cold and damp. The direction of motion has been pretty clear too - showers, cooking, laundry, breathing … it all adds to the...

  • Ambitions

    This is your friendly reminder that you don’t need to aim for the stars for every single thing you do. If you set up a book shop, you don’t need a plan for world domination of the book trade; it’s okay just to sell books, and make some friends along the way. Enjoy playing music, starting a band? Go for...

  • Parkrun (and systems)

    Since about late 2019 when I started participating, Saturdays have been parkrun days. Obviously it hasn’t always worked out that way (I’m looking at you, pandemic and injury). But it’s a great thing do to, and here’s why.

  • Progress

    As it turned out, yesterday was pretty well the peak experience as far as climbing the learning curve is concerned. I feel like I have been wrestling with a problem for absolutely ages, and then after a re-think on my approach - and learning some techniques I needed - the whole thing then kind of splurged out.

  • Learning

    Top of my mind at the moment is the subject of learning. I changed jobs a few months ago. My new employer, and the team and management I work with, I hold in very high regard; it has been a very positive move. However, the change has been a major shift for me. First, the company size has gone from...

  • Tools

    Today hasn’t been a great day, which on reflection is probably because the last two days didn’t feature enough sleep. So I’m going to keep this post short, get home soon, do my flute early and then tuck myself up in preparation for for a good night.

  • Flute

    Today I’m going off on a different tack. Last night, looking at diaries etc, I realised that my upcoming flute solo with my local orchestra is an awful lot sooner than I had been thinking. This subject is now occupying quite some mind space!

  • More about this blog

    Today, I’m going to go into some more detail on how this blog works. Given time constraints, this is going to be more of a how-to than a detailed explanation of what’s going on!

  • Blogs

    My original plan for today was to describe in some detail how I set this blog up - it was pretty easy, and free. However time is short, so I think this is going to be more of a “part 1”, describing the context and giving a few initial pointers, before following up tomorrow/soon with the full, gory detail.