Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '20 day 13: circuits and lifting stuff

    Monday equals circuits, at 6:30am. Today was what's known as "Challenge Week". The good news: it is only half an hour. The bad news: the format is AMRAP (as many reps a possible) over that half-hour. Each round of the circuits was:

    • Running 5 laps of a small course
    • 20 press-ups
    • 20 single-leg lunges
    • 20 squat jumps
    • 20 double-handed...
  • Janathon '20 day 12: not lifting

    I had hoped to fit in a bit of weights today, inspired by this picture of a massive crane lifting part of a new bridge at our local station in to place. However, it was not to be.

    Instead I have managed a round trip to near Cambridge, a load of website...

  • Janathon '20 day 11: Parkrun

    Rickmansworth Parkrun was the host for Saturday's Janathon activity. In fact, not just for me but also for the other 691 people who had the same idea. Wow! I took a selfie to try to give some idea of how big the crowd was, but it doesn't really quite capture the scale.

  • Janathon '20 day 10: circuits (and a car)

    Today's physical activity - an hour of circuits - was all tied up by 7:30am. It was warm enough (certainly by the end!) and a good crowd was involved, so all told it was a fun session. It would have been even better if I'd actually managed to get in to bed at 10:30pm as intended, rather than more like...

  • Janathon '20 day 9: excuses and a joker

    Today has been really busy, but not with exercise or other activity, much! (I'm guessing driving doesn't count...) I had hoped to at least get a quick weight training session in, but a last-minute school parents evening put paid to that too. Oh well.

    So it is time to pull out joker number 1: 20 press-ups. That'll have to do!

  • Janathon '20 day 8: circuit/yoga sandwich

    Boo, work meetings all day today. Between about 10 and 5 I basically sat at a table talking. Thank goodness, therefore, that I was able to use this rather dry meat as the filling for a tasty circuit/yoga sandwich! Mmm-mmm.

    Circuits was a balmy 8C outing at 6:30am, with an hour of running around and lifting/squatting/generally getting vigorous with stuff....

  • Janathon '20 day 7: two runs and yoga - a bit too much!

    With the benefit of hindsight, I've probably over-done it a bit today!

    It all started at 6:40 this morning when my friend and I went out for a 4.25 mile run. (Actually it started a few hours before that - whenever I need to get up early, my body keeps thinking I've over-slept, and wakes me up every hour or...

  • Janathon '20 day 6: circuits

    That was it, really: an hour's circuits class this morning at 6:30am. Numbers are moving up a bit now that the year is getting going, which makes it a bit more fun. Today was a good mix of running, strength and core. Overall I seem to have managed 12,000 steps so that's all good.

    I was holding out in case...

  • Janathon '20 day 5: walk and run, with a bit of flute thrown in for "X effect"!

    Today we went up to near Cambridge to visit my parents-in-law. My MIL has been rather unwell, but thankfully is making an astonishing recovery after a rather up-and-down period over Christmas. When we said we were heading up, the instruction was received to bring my flute, and who am I to argue! As if any excuse is required... So activity...

  • Janathon '20 day 4: Ricky parkrun, and trip to Cliveden

    Parkrun has become something of a regular outing. What they say on their blog is quite right: it's a really inclusive kind of event, with all sorts of people doing it in their own way. (No Frosty the snowmen today, though - that I noticed, at least.) As I presume is usually...