Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '20 day 2: trying to keep up

    Today's main activity was a run. My friend had been feeling a bit guilty about not doing Parkrun yesterday, so suggested a quick outing this morning. This seemed like an excellent idea when he suggested it, and so we agreed to meet up at 8:30 for a run round Amersham.

    This morning it didn't seem like quite such a good...

  • Janathon '20 day 1: sneaky parkrun

    Happy new year, everyone. So - Janathon 2020.

    After a surprisingly early night/good sleep, the idea of doing Ricky parkrun was pretty appealing. It was really very chilly, and I felt a bit under-dressed in comparison to some people there, e.g. the snowman on the right!

    As it turned out, I wasn't...

  • Janathon '19 day 13: morning run

    Excellent news! I ran just over 2 miles with Mrs H, and my foot didn't hurt. That's brilliant, as it means I can resume my running schedule, which is broadly working towards a (not-yet-selected) half-marathon. Note to self: don't build too quickly.

    Other than that, it was back on the bed-making circus. This time it was a double bed for...

  • Janathon '19 day 12: weights

    I'm feeling a lot better today, so thought I'd try out some weights. I went for a bit of a classic kind of programme: squats, bench press, bent-over row, tricep dips. I also finished off with some kettle bells (double-handed swings, and clean and presses). Doing this kind of workout always makes me feel better, so I'm really glad I...

  • Janathon '19 day 11: excuses!

    Unfortunately I was still feeling a bit rubbish on Friday, and I decided to let discretion be the better part of valour and not do the swimming I had been planning. Having something bad happen in the water doesn't sound too sensible. So apart from walking a few miles there really isn't anything good to say about this one. Boo.

  • Janathon '19 day 10: token effort

    So long, Thursday. My day was rather hindered by an annoying headache. I put it down to either dehydration or lack of sleep (both entirely possible given the last week). An early night was in order, and some pain killers. All I can really claim on the Janathon front, therefore, was walking about 5.5 miles (just over 12,000 steps) and...

  • Janathon '19 day 9: more yoga

    With my foot not really playing ball yet, I was left with two main physical activities to perform today:

    • Eating lots of really bad food
    • Yoga

    As far as Janathon goes, I guess one out of two ain't bad! :-/ I'm hoping tomorrow will feature less bad food and more physical activity; perhaps I'll try another short run...

  • Janathon '19 day 8: yoga!

    Today has mostly been a day of wincing when confronted by stairs. Yesterday's weights has definitely taken its toll!

    Thankfully, I was down for yoga this evening. Mrs H has just started teaching at a new venue - the rather splendid dance studio at the Amersham School. So we lugged what felt like about a million mats etc to the...

  • Janathon '19 day 7: weights (and a Souvenir Programme)

    I've had a fairly long-standing arrangement with a friend to do weight training on a Monday evening. Today we got back "on plan" after a few weeks of disruption (not least because of my recent months of training for a run). It was hard after too long a break, but fun!
