Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '19 day 6: putting up furniture

    Everyone in my family, it seems, is demanding a new bed. Today was the day that two such demands were met. An Ikea trip yesterday meant we returned home with a "day bed" in the back of the car, but a bunk bed in the room it was meant for. So today I have:

    • Taken down a bunk bed
    • ...
  • Janathon '19 day 5: looking up

    Today started pretty badly; nothing was really wrong, but I was feeling pretty low. First world problems really, though, as I am still healthy and have somewhere warm to live etc.

    My training is being a bit disrupted by having to give my foot a chance to recover (not really sure what's up with it, but I'd like it to...

  • Janathon '19 day 4: rest, mostly

    Ok I did walk about 3 miles including commuting etc, but really it has been something of an enforced rest day. I seem to have hurt my foot running (this started mid December but has been getting worse), and I've also pulled something in my neck or shoulder. This put running, weights and swimming out of reach: annoying.

    Let's hope...

  • Janathon '19 day 3: cross country

    A lunchtime run was my poison of choice today. Working in Rickmansworth which is blessed with a splendid aquadrome and canal, this seemed like the ideal option. I couldn't decide on a route so basically "winged it", just setting off to see where I ended up. It was cold but pretty, and my eventual route took me down the canal...

  • Janathon '19 day 2: more running (and yoga)

    I was back at work today, but the kids were still on their last stand before school. So an early run seemed like the thing! Today was a slightly hillier version of yesterday's run, about 2.3 miles with a small hill. Again, it was lovely to be out in the countryside, and I found my work day went better as...

  • Janathon '19 day 1: easy run

    I wasn't sure whether I was going to be back here this year, but looks like I am! The last couple of months have been pretty active as I was training for a 10 mile run on Sunday. That went well-ish, and now I'm keen to keep up the momentum. I was going to go the Facebook post route, but...

  • Juneathon '18 day 30 - finished!

    Am I talking about Juneathon or my training this morning? Both, it turns out! But before I go into that, first here's a quick overview.

    Strava tells me I've run 26.1 miles this month, cycled 16.6 miles and swum a bit over one. There's also been a fair number of yoga classes, weights sessions and other stuff. My FitBit claims...

  • Juneathon '18 day 29 - weights

    Commuting takes up such a lot of time! Going in today was brilliant: a five minute head-start got us there a good 25 minutes earlier than normal. Coming back, though, was disastrous: a few accidents on the M4 meant massive detours and an overall time of not far short of two hours. So again, at least 2.5 hours spend driving....

  • Juneathon '18 day 28 - barely

    Clinging in there for the last few days. There was too much going on with commute and family to manage much: all I can claim is to have managed about 7,000 steps and an emergency 35 press-ups to get me through. Hopefully Friday will be better!

  • Juneathon ’18 day 27 – ... and repeat

    Much like yesterday, however a combination of luck and setting off 10 minutes earlier made the commute a bit shorter. Today I've only spent about 2.5 hours driving rather than 3.5 yesterday.

    The same yoga class too - an hour of it. Temperature not too bad, and I'm noticeably better at touching hands behind my back, on both sides. Now,...