Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Juneathon '18 day 6 - yoga

    ... again, yoga. It's been one of those days which has only really included preparation, work and home. This evening, thankfully, I was booked on to another yoga class with Ellie. Another hour of yoga ensued, which I enjoyed greatly. It's been pretty strong this week, with quite a few balances and so on. Fun!

    There's been a bit of...

  • Juneathon '18 day 5 - yoga and a walk (oh, and Tesco)

    What with it being dry and everything, a bit of a walk around Rickmansworth seemed just the ticket for this lunchtime. So out I headed, for a brisk circuit touching the river and town. A great way to clear my head of work! Adding in the walk to and from work, I'm standing at about 12,000 steps right now.


  • Juneathon '18 day 4 - weights

    I felt pretty good after yesterday's triathlon, all things considered. However, I realised my legs are still sore, so thought I'd better give them a break! The obvious answer: some upper body weights.

    So this evening I worked my way through a weights session to try to get things moving again: bench presses,...

  • Juneathon '18 day 3 - Blenheim Triathlon

    My friend Sarah and I did a sprint triathlon at Blenheim today, with some family and friends there to support us. Sitting here now in the cool writing this post, the main word in my mind is "hot". It was absolutely scorching!

    I haven't checked the detailed timings yet, but the text message from the organisers said I completed it...

  • Juneathon '18 day 2 - tapering

    Well, that's a bit of an exaggeration. Sunday is my triathlon at Blenheim, and I thought it would be daft to try to do too much. So instead I've been rushing around getting ready, managing about 10K steps. I did, however, have a quick outing on the bike: my 10yo was DESPERATE to have a ride, and it would have...

  • Juneathon '18 day 1 - walk and swim

    Gosh, is it June already? Wow, in that case - let's DO THIS!

    Day 1 of Juneathon: tick. I had the day off work, and we had a family outing into London before the kids go back to school. My FitBit claims I've taken about 18,000 steps (just over 8 miles), and that sounds about right.

    Then, this evening, as...

  • Finally! Oracle SQL Developer working on HiDPI linux

    Not my usual subject on this blog, but I'm just SO EXCITED! For the last year or more I've been relying on a nasty hack to make SQL Developer bearable on a linux HiDPI display. With a few simple updates, I can now get something genuinely usable!!

    I'm using Ubuntu Artful...

  • Janathon '17 day 10 - yoga

    My plans to do some weights failed due to lack of time. However an hour of yoga went down very well: back bends. Oh yeah. 

    I must have managed a fair few steps as well, but can't actually come up with a number as my FitBit ran out of batteries. Oh no. I'm going to guess about 9,000.