Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '17 day 8 - heavy bits of metal

    Back in Amersham after a weekend away, time was limited. So I went for the classic choice: about an hour of lifting heavy bits of metal. We're talking squats, bench presses and bent-over rows - I'm roughly following the so-called StrongLifts 5x5, mainly as I've had decent success with it in the past.

  • Janathon '17 day 7 - consistency is key

    Family commitments have rather taken their toll on today. I've spent more than 3 hours driving, and eaten quite a lot of cake and lasagne, if that counts. In Janathon terms, all I can really claim is just over 9,000 steps plus a token 25 press-ups. That's consistently something, right?

  • Janathon '17 day 6 - lifting bits of metal

    Time being at a premium, day 6 was sneakily squeezed in around other activities. The three main features were:

    1) A walk to/from school, courtesy of a daughter who was up for an extra-early start 

    2) Quite a lot of walking during the day

    3) An hour or so's weights in the evening, before going to the cinema

    All told,...

  • Janathon '17 day 4 - one extreme to another

    Most days, just the walks between home, station and office mean that I can manage 10,000 steps per day without especially trying. Today, though: no. Due to a child-related incident (of the kind where, unlike their older siblings, you take them to school and notice a distinct absence of other children), I found myself working at home. I didn't actually...

  • Janathon '17 day 3 - yoga

    To complement the previous day's weights, day 3 featured an hour of yoga with Mrs H - a definite perk of being married to a yoga teacher! It was a fairly strong, mixed class, introducing some new back bends I haven't tried before. It certainly felt good being back on the mat: as it turns out, yoga is one of the...

  • Janathon '17 day 2 - fast and heavy

    The title refers to today's two main activities. In the morning, Mrs H suggested we try out the Bodycoach Facebook Live HIIT session. 20 minutes, hard work! Recommended, we'll be doing it again in 2 days...

    After that, my 15yo and I did a round of weights: squats, bench press and bent-over rows. It was his first session, so I'm...

  • Janathon '17 day 1 - just about...

    Can't believe it is 2017 already! Wow. And so another year of Janathon. Cool!

    Given that it's been a pretty busy day (family visits etc), but to keep in the game, I've started off with a somewhat dismal 32 press-ups. Not great, but I've definitely done worse!

    Since this lacks photogenic appeal, instead I'll post a picture of our...

  • Janathon '16 day 31: game over!

    Last day, woo hoo! Janathon has actually been very helpful for me this year. I've really enjoyed following a number of my fellow Janathoners' blogs through the month, and have also done better on the exercise front than I would otherwise have done, of that I'm sure. In addition, though, it has kicked off the thought process of goal-setting, and...