Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '16 day 20: an answer to the cold

    My plans for a lunchtime workout might have failed due to a work deadline, but I still managed my evening yoga session thankfully. It may have been very cold outside, but the yoga was distinctly warming, with some pretty serious squats, planks and balances to challenge my body and distract my mind. Brilliant!

    I managed over 11,000 steps too, so...

  • Janathon '16 day 19: mixing it

    Annoyingly, I seem to have developed some heel pain on my left foot. I'm not sure if it is just a bruise or something more serious, but it does rather limit my running options. However two of my other regular activities seem unaffected, and I managed both of them today. Yay!

    At lunch I snuck out for a Metafit session...

  • Janathon '16 day 17/18: oh, the glamour

    Sunday was a catastrophic fail. We were out a fair chunk of the day, and I wanted to get an early night to get my mood and eating back on top. So "rest day" it was - but the night certainly wasn't! Our burglar alarm took the opportunity to develop a fault and go off 5 times between 4 and...

  • Janathon '16 day 15/16: lifting

    But not the kind of lifting I ought to have been doing, mostly. Friday started alright with pairs PT activity - boxing training followed by quite a lot of assorted weights, which I enjoyed. Overall I did just over 12,000 steps too. It all went a bit downhill from there, though...

    It has been a rather stressful couple of days,...

  • Janathon '16 day 14: usurped

    Another day of things being kicked into touch by other things... A lunchtime Metafit was out of the question as work is rather mental at the moment. Then my plans for an evening run were also knocked out getting my 12yo packed for Guide camp on Friday. All I can really claim, therefore, is to have managed a generally fairly...

  • Janathon '16 day 13: lots of fun!

    Work is very busy at the moment, so by lunchtime I was in urgent need of a little break. Down to Bodycoach gym in Rickmansworth I headed, slightly undecided as to what I was going to do. In the end I spent a bit of time on the upper body, did a warm-up on the treadmill and headed out for...

  • Janathon '16 day 12: closer to plans

    While it could have so easily gone the same way as Monday, this day went much better! Metafit worked out well, and I even managed to top it off with some upper-body exercises afterwards. Then, in the evening I had a really enjoyable hour of yoga with YogaByEllie - just what was required after all the squats of earlier!

  • Janathon '16 day 11: bother!

    So I hauled my gym kit in to work in preparation for Metafit at lunch - as well as a big bag of books for the charity shop. But life had other plans, it turns out; some work stuff came up, and next thing I knew, I had completely missed the class.

    Something similar happened with my revised plan for...

  • Janathon '16 day 10: constraints

    Well, after going to Bath on Saturday morning, we returned on Saturday afternoon. Then the 14yo returned from a weekend of scout water activities, and after the usual round of de-mudding and general tidy-up it was time for the weekend end-game! So not a huge amount of Janathon activities took place. The best I can claim is that I ran...

  • Janathon '16 day 9: run (and Strava fail)

    With a family gathering today, there wasn't all that much chance to get out and exercise. Thankfully, I did manage to get out for a late morning run - about 3.6 miles ish around Amersham. Unfortunately, Strava had a bit of a strop in the middle, so I can't be sure about the pace and distance unless I...