Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon '16 day 8: pairs PT

    Today has been extremely busy. Which is a good thing; I tend to work at my best when there's lots going on and the pressure is mounting. While it didn't leave time for any training at lunchtime, luckily it is Friday - pairs PT day! So in fact my main activities were out of the way by 8:30 this morning. And I...

  • Janathon '16 day 7: "rest day"

    Thursday was not going to be a rest day; I took my kit to work ready for Metafit at lunch, and was planning to go for it. However, two problems came up:

    • work was very busy indeed
    • after Wednesday's yoga, with some goddess poses in particular, my inner thighs have been ON FIRE ALL DAY!

    Considering I have...

  • Janathon '16 day 6: triple play

    That was fun! But time is short, so here's the potted summary:

    • No Metafit again, so I thought I'd have a run round the aquadrome in Rickmansworth, which was about 3.3 miles apparently.
    • Then I did a bit more weights stuff after I'd cleaned all the mud off...
    • Finally, it was yoga again this evening! Yay!
    • ...
  • Janathon '16 day 4: metafit

    Running was out today. But, metafit was back on the normal timetable at the Bodycoach gym in Rickmansworth, and a plan was forming.

    A quick lunch outing and I was in. The metafit format is appealing: a 30 minute HIIT (high-intensity interval training) programme, timed precisely with a recording to guide you through the programme. I can't bring myself...

  • Janathon '16 day 2: a new concept (2)

    I avoided running today because my knee is feeling just a bit sore. So instead, my friend kindly let me have a go on his Concept 2 rowing machine. I realised, as I was rowing, that I hadn't actually picked the most knee-friendly option, but all worked out in the end! I managed to bash out a 3km row in...

  • Preparing for the new year: Janathon '16

    Well, 2016, you sure crept up on me stealthily! I'm not going to complain, though: 2015 was a pretty tough year, all told, and I won't be weeping tears of sorrow on its passing. So - what better way to turn things round and prepare for the new year than to sign up for Janathon? A month of fitness, blogging...

  • Juneathon day 18/19: excuses!

    Not much to say. The last few days have been a general wash-out, given the health events that have overtaken the family. I've managed a token plank (day 18) and some press-ups (day 19) to just about meet the spirit of Juneathon. It has been completely right to prioritise health above exercise, though, so I have no regrets.

    Hopefully things...