Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 19: stepping it back up a bit

    Active day

    That's more like it! Today I managed:

    • An hour's Wild Training, using resistance bands for squatting, lunges, rowing and pressing, finishing with an awful abs workout with Russian twists etc. I doubled up on bands, too, so this was quite a challenging session, for sure
    • A run to/from that session...
  • Janathon day 18: it took a computer to recognise my dilemma!

    Or, more accurately, it took Google Play Music All Access, which I find myself listening to more and more these days. It has been day 2 of our penultimate "yoga weekend", with Mrs H out since late morning on her course, and a rather full day for me and the kids in her absence. This meant that basically every minute...

  • Janathon day 17: "recovery day"

    This post might alternatively have been titled "emergency press-ups". Mrs H left at 7:50 ish this morning, back at 8PM; she had one of her last yoga teacher training days at Yoga Junction in Crouch End. So it was me "home alone" with the three kids, without much chance to get out for some training.

    Okay, we managed...

  • Janathon day 16: looking in the mirror...

    It's 7:30 on Friday morning, it's ... pairs PT time! Woo, yeah. Today, upper-body strength was the name of the game, with all manner of bench presses, dips, curls and what have you! There was some excellent shoulder work too, with weighted flies in different directions. An hour of that was a most invigorating start to the day.

  • Janathon day 15: emergency press-ups and a plank

    Given last night's horribly short sleep, today has actually been alright, albeit a bit busy. I basically haven't stopped between 6:50 when I got up and now, so wasn't able to fit much in. On the plus side, orchestra was fun this evening. We have a concert next weekend with the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra in Amersham if you're interested!


  • Janathon day 13: Amersham yogathlon!

    Glorious morning walking to work, beautiful day ... then lunchtime brought thick, dark clouds and nasty cold rain. With work pressing in on me too, I had to give my idea of a lunchtime run a miss. Shame!

    Luckily, there was a space for me in Mrs H's YogaByEllie class this evening, so I had a thoroughly enjoyable hour...

  • Janathon day 12: evening outdoor exercise class

    Another full-on day, but luckily I managed to keep my Janathon streak going with a place at tonight's Wild Training in Amersham. This week is the first in the so-called "complex phase", which makes extensive use of elasticated bands to focus on particular muscles. The main moves were:

    1) Hold the handles by your shoulders, run the bands under your...

  • Janathon day 11: recovery

    Busy day! I've done loads, but now it is 23:20 and a run is out of the question. I've gone for the "token" option: 20 press-ups and a 1:16 plank. (I'm guessing a tax return doesn't count?).

    The plan now: sleep, then tomorrow ... THE WORLD! Night all...

  • Janathon day 10: that sandwich, finally

    It wasn't what I'd planned, but nonetheless today has been a good day.

    First, I hadn't expected to make it to Wild Training this morning, as Mrs H had designs on a yoga class. However, she very kindly let me go anyway, so I had an hour of "kettlebell challenge". For further details on what we did, take a...