Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 9: morning training session

    This evening, our three children each had different events going on. As one of them involved packing and leaving on a winter camp, there was never going to be a lot of time for exercise between taxi and other parental duties!

    Lucky, then, that I have a regular Friday morning slot with Holger, having an hour's shared PT session with...

  • Janathon day 8: nice and simple - yoga!

    Thursday evening is orchestra evening (the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra in Amersham), and I had an errand to run in Watford this lunchtime, so I wasn't sure where Janathon was going to fit today. Then Mrs H suggested I might like to try the yoga workout she had just prepared: she didn't have to offer twice! What a great start to...

  • Janathon day 7: back home...

    ... but shattered! A long day working and travelling left little chance this evening to manage Janathon. I had hoped a yoga session might be on the books, but tomorrow now looks more likely for that.

    So, tonight, I slipped in a quick plank (1:07) and 40 press-ups. And hopefully one long zzzzzzz...

  • Janathon day 6: just under the wire!

    Crazy busy here, working in Gloucester until Wednesday evening. A gym at the hotel, luckily! Just about managed:

    - 1K on the rowing machine, in about 3:50
    - 1 mile on the running machine, about 9:15 average
    - Not much sleep! Whoops...

    I hope everyone else has fared rather better than me..!

  • Janathon day 5: finally - some running!

    The river in Rickmansworth

    It's been a busy day, and hasn't finished yet, so I'll keep this brief (ish). Today has been a two-pronged effort, starting off with a quick and sneaky lunchtime run round Rickmansworth. That was nice! It was cold but not excessively so, and muddy but not unpleasantly much: I...

  • Janathon day 4: walk through the fog

    Sunday, the day before a week of work and school: family time. A friend had suggested a group walk in the morning, and we thought it might be fun to walk from the field below Shardeloes House up to the Red Lion in Little Missenden, and back. There were 9 of us in total, and we had a very good...

  • Janathon day 3: an entirely new concept (2)...

    If you've got kids, and it's the weekend, then your day's going to be pretty busy, right? Do I get a "yes brother"? Today was one of those days.

    First, we realised that, despite our cupboards being full of Christmas cake, mince pies and the like, we didn't actually have anything whatsoever to eat as a meal! A pretty extensive...

  • Janathon day 2: open exercise sandwich!

    I had planned for today to be an "exercise sandwich".

    The base piece of bread was this morning's pretty intensive hour of personal training with my good friend Holger and our trainer Darrell; today's session concentrated on strength, involving plenty (too much, some may say) of squatting, bench presses and so on. A mighty fine session, to be sure! I...

  • Janathon day 1: starting 2015 with a bracing group bike ride

    Hello, fellow Janathoners, and welcome to 2015. May it be a great year for all of you!

    Ok - now to business. Uncharacteristically, day 1 was done and dusted well before lunchtime. A fellow Wild Training friend of mine had suggested a New Year's Day bike ride, and the hearty response and subsequent planning meant that by 10am there were...

  • Bright front bike light for less than £3? Delighted!

    I love a good torch! Always have, and probably always will. So when I first came across a particular type of small, bright, zoomable and extremely cheap LED torch on Amazon, I was very interested. They use a particular LED called a Cree Q5, which appears to be widely known, and are available from a number of different vendors, the...