Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Juneathon day 18: yoga and swimming (preparation for Stowe Sprint Triathlon)

    Today was the second time I had the chance to play guinea pig for Mrs H's yoga class homework. We had a very pleasant half-hour going through various poses and flows, and I ended up feeling distinctly relaxed. I'm really looking forward to when she becomes a fully qualified yoga teacher!

    Straight after that, I shot round to the pool...

  • Juneathon day 17: Chalfonts run

    Monday: piano day. The older kids head to their piano lesson in Chalfont St Peter; I then use the next hour for a run. Today's was lovely: nice and warm, not raining, beautiful countryside.

    I went for the simpler of my routes: straight up the road to Chalfont St Giles, up to the end of White Hart Close (where my...

  • Juneathon day 16: moving swiftly on

    Well, that's one day I would happily blot from the diary of life. Proof, as if it were needed, that you really can try to fit too many things in. I am my own worst enemy...

    On the plus side, I did manage to foam roll my calves: my sole Juneathon contribution for today.

  • Juneathon day 15: Wild training circuits, plus a little run

    So it's Mrs H's yoga training day; she slogged into Town for her full-on day of yoga learning in Crouch End, and the kids and I had some time at home. We have some fantastic local teenagers for babysitting, so today one of them held the fort while I managed a thoroughly enjoyable Wild Training session, then a quick run...

  • Juneathon day 13: Dublin, sneak run - and keto-adaptation?

    My strength is returning, definitely, despite a near absence of carbs. Today has been a long day, starting at 6 to get to the airport, and walking back from my run at 23:51. But I feel like I am beginning to recover some of the speed I had before starting my experiment.

    So I just snuck under the wire with...

  • Juneathon day 12: circuits; low-carb improvement

    Wednesday evening: circuits! It was a bit soggy, but we had a thoroughly enjoyable hour of high-intensity interval training this evening with Wild Training in Amersham's lovely Hervines Park. The class started off alternating rounds of kettle bells and "rip training". Each round was classic TABATA, entailing 8 x 20-second repetitions of the exercise, with a 10-second gap between, and...

  • Juneathon day 11: tri-envy

    It was spectating at Blenheim that did it. Watching people jumping into the lake, swimming, cycling, running ... winning. I had wanted to do Blenheim myself, but all the tickets had gone when I applied. Then, with all the music that was going on earlier in the year, I didn't get anything else in the diary. But it all came...

  • Juneathon day 9: spectating at the Blenheim Triathlon (and a quick run)

    After yesterday's late night, another long day. I was up at 6:30 to make breakfast, then after some quick packing we set of to pick up friends then drive on to Blenheim. Our friend Karen and Holger were both competing, starting pretty early. It felt a lot colder than when I did it last year, although I gather the water...