Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Juneathon day 28: overtaken

    Not much to say - ended up working until 1:30am, so managed a 1:35 plank before diving into bed, to be woken up 30 minutes later by our 5yo!

    The 29th is going to be a struggle too since Mrs H is away all day at a wedding, and it might be tricky to find a babysitter happy to...

  • Juneathon day 27: the best made plans...

    Some days just don't go as you plan. Today, for instance, I was hoping to go for a run or at least a swim; in the end all I managed was a plank and some foam rolling. Oh well, such is life!

    In other news, Sam appears to be finally showing encouraging signs of starting to get the hang of...

  • Juneathon day 26: uppers (circuits) and downers (yoga)

    The mood this afternoon has been managed most effectively through exercise! My 6pm circuits with Wild Training was a great lift - metaphorically and practically. We are still on TABATA, mixing ropes, kettle bells and running (plus mountain climbers ... ouch). It is very challenging, but is definitely helping my fitness.

    After an hour of that, and a bite of...

  • Juneathon day 25: lunchtime run round Rickmansworth Aquadrome

    This lunchtime, I had an overwhelming urge to go for a run. Rather cunningly, I had some running kit I'd left in the office for just this sort of situation, so I changed and headed off for a run down the canal and round Rickmansworth Aquadrome. I always enjoy this route; there are usually plenty of child- and dog-walkers to...

  • Juneathon day 24: full-on evening of circuits, running and yoga

    I hadn't expected today to work out quite like this! The original plan had been just the usual Monday "piano run" while the kids had piano lessons. However, Mrs H had two excellent surprises in store. Firstly, it turned out that she wasn't going to be able to do her circuit class booking for Wild Training, so I did that...

  • Juneathon day 23: sneaky last-minute run

    That was close! Just managed to get a 4-mile run in, finishing just before midnight (I'm typing this post as I do a cool-down walk back home).


    It has been a lovely clear evening, with a nearly full moon lighting my way most of the time. Although there was not one...

  • Juneathon day 22: Denham Lake swim

    Our new cockapoo puppy is keeping us rather busy at the moment - as do most 7-week-old dogs, I imagine - so I will keep this brief!


    This morning me and my friend Karen (who is also signed up for the Stowe Sprint Triathlon) headed down to Denham Lake for a swim....

  • Juneathon day 21: pairs PT - man cave session, hardest yet

    I don't know when we first started referring to our pairs PT sessions as going into the "man cave", but the name has certainly stuck. I received a suitable placard for Fathers Day; at this morning's weekly PT session, we hung it on the door of the gym room, just in case anyone wasn't clear what was going on. (I...

  • Juneathon day 20: more circuits, and our new puppy Sam!

    Circuits was much the same as yesterday, but with a hideous variation at the squat/lunge phase, where I was given two kettle bells. Suffice to say in still hurting!

    Today we got our new puppy Sam home. He is a Cockapoo, black and beautiful, and very calm - apart from right now when he hasn't quite bought into sleeping in...

  • Juneathon day 19: circuits, and cockapoo preparation!

    After a busy day at work, what's better than to settle down to ... an hour of high-intensity intervals with Wild Training?! It was hot out there in Hervines Park, and I was slightly at sixes and sevens when I arrived, as my 9yo daughter had her brownie meeting in the same park, throwing our usual pattern for the...