Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 24: what I need

    I am one tired Janathoner today, intent on getting to bed on time after yesterday's late night: I need sleep! So, onto the facts. Tonight I did an hour of circuits: 45% triplanar barbell work, 45% kettlebells and 10% abs with planks, weighted V-sits etc. Hard work, and temperature control a problem, balancing snow against excessive heat generation. Good, though,...

  • Janathon day 23: this blows!

    So, after a busy and snow-laden day, it had got to 11PM with no sign of exercise. I had been really hoping for a run, but the freezing ground with new snow fall was making me a bit nervous of taking a fall in my tiredness. There was a bigger hurdle, though - I also needed to fit in some...

  • Janathon day 22: short and sharp

    I can't spin much of a yarn around today's Janathon effort, so won't try! I managed an hour's circuits in the snow in Hervines Park, and stuck with the 20Kg kettle bell ... just. It has been a day of trials and tribulations - the cat wee-ed on the duvet, so it had to go to the drycleaners, and the...

  • Janathon day 21: is circuits having an effect on running?

    The unexpected thing about our outdoor exercise class in the snow is that, when you're there, being too cold is the last thing on your mind. You tend to go in suitable footwear and perhaps an extra layer or two, with gloves and hat, but by the time you are ten minutes in to the session, you're losing clothing pretty...

  • Janathon day 20: fighting fishy demons

    Today was a characteristically busy Sunday. With the kids around, snow by now very slippy, homework to be done and the like, a run was always going to be a long shot. A stint in the pool, though - that's another story.

    I was swimming pretty regularly from a few months before last year's Blenheim Triathlon until...

  • Janathon day 19: no business like snow business!

    Wild Training in the snow

    Today's activities have involved having the most fun I've had in a long time! Yes, there was circuits in the snow - which was brilliant, with the hardcore enthusiasts making it through the bad conditions to be rewarded by an hour of cold pain! And yes, the run there...

  • Janathon day 17: lunchtime run to Chorleywood, train back

    It is about 7.5 miles from my office in Rickmansworth to where I live in Amersham. One day I plan to run home: this is quite a lot longer than my current regular range, but not beyond the bounds of possibility. I thought, for my Janathon run today, that I would go just a part of the way, to Chorleywood...

  • Janathon day 16: exhaustion, not enough hours

    Today I have been exhausted. Tired, after a late bedtime and waking children; physically rather achy after a few hard days; and emotionally drained with everything that is going on. While I like being busy, probably more than is sensible, right now I'm feeling the pressure of all the things going on and coming up. Janathon and general running to...

  • Janathon day 15: "core" blimey!

    Today's Janathon effort had some definite extra "get up and go" about it.

    For a start, I was booked onto my circuits class, which was a good session and extremely core-intensive (hence the dodgy pun title). Today I thought I would describe a bit more about what we do at Wild Training. Every week the programme changes, but today...