Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 13: the Pednor strikes back!

    It has been easier to do the exercise for Janathon than blog about it! The last few days have been very busy, what with one thing or another, and I've barely stopped between Friday morning and now, it feels like. Good busy, though, rather than bad busy; work, but also catching up...

  • Janathon day 11: PT session then short, hilly run

    A slightly late blogging of yesterday's effort... It was all over by 8:30am, and most invigorating. On Fridays I have been having morning pairs PT sessions with my friend Holger; this one was a bit different. We started with a brisk warm-up walk, then moved into 45 minutes of various activities - rowing, weights, flys, chin-ups etc. All hard work,...

  • Janathon day 8: lunchtime run and circuits

    I confess to getting slightly nervous about all this extra running mileage! Don't get me wrong, I'm really enjoying it. I've run further in the last week than any previous week of my life, though, and with the general advice "out there" that you shouldn't boost your mileage by more than something like 10% per week, I fear I'm running...

  • Janathon day 7: recovery

    After 3 (for me) longish runs over 3 days, I thought that perhaps a day of recovery might be sensible. (I have a little plan in mind for tomorrow, too, that would benefit from fresh legs!)

    Instead of running, I have been walking to keep things going (there may have been the odd slow jog mixed in there too, once...

  • Janathon day 6: Pednor Loop, lovely blast!

    Drizzle and mist. Lovely to run in!

    Well, that was fun! At last I managed to do my planned Pednor Loop circuit. The weather wasn't especially encouraging when I set off at about 9am, with fog and a little bit of light drizzle. As it turned out, though, it was perfect: rather...

  • Janathon day 5: busy day, so changed plans

    Never underestimate the importance of sleep! One late night/early morning, and next thing you know you're up a half-hour late and all your plans fall apart. We have a busy family day in London, and a few things to do before we go, so there was barely an hour to fit Janathon in. This ruled out my Pednor Loop run,...