Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Success

    Today’s work disruption went to plan nicely. I managed a very early start, and had got the bulk of what I needed to get done out of the way in time for my boot camp at 6:30am. Then after I got back I continued the process.

  • Change of plans

    Only a short post today, due to a change of plans. At work I received one of those “good news / bad news” messages. The bad news was that: a problem came up at work today that means something needs to be done tomorrow; the person who would have done it is on holiday; and my name is next on...

  • Trial by ordeal

    In hindsight, my work today feels a bit like I faced an ordeal and came out the other side.

  • Yoga

    These days I have a bit of a mix of physical activities, each which I enjoy in different ways. Today I’m going to tell you a bit about my experience of yoga.

  • Kindness

    I had planned to write about something else today, but just heard some awful news from somebody I know about the death of a close friend.

  • Family day

    Today has been a rare relaxing family day. All my children are home, and my brother and his family came round to visit in the afternoon. During the day my wife and I managed to get out for a short, easy run, which felt good and we didn’t get soaked. We also fitted in a quick visit to the local...

  • Concert

    Today has been rather dominated by the concert I played in this evening. I’m a member of a local orchestra (the Misbourne Symphony Orchestra), and we were performing this evening at St Mary’s Church in Chesham.

  • A time for everything

    I’ve been looking back at what I’ve written since starting this blog, and thinking about when in the day I have written it. I can see I have a persistent problem with trying to do things right at the end of the time available. Honestly, this has been a problem for me for as long as I can remember.

  • Rollercoaster

    Today has been a bit of a rollercoaster - but in a good way, generally. Let’s start with work.

  • Short family story

    Mrs H was talking to her parents earlier, and was told a family story that she hadn’t heard before. She replied that they really ought to write these stories down, as otherwise they’ll fall out of family folklore. This reminded me of something (I thought was) funny that happened when I was young. Pull up a chair - here’s the...