Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Juneathon day 18-27: life's rich tapestry

    Jog, log and blog. Well, I've mostly managed two of these, at least... I'm rather behind on the blogging, though, as basically I've been really busy with loads of other things, especially at work. All part of the rich tapestry of life though, so I'm not complaining!

    To get back on track, then, here's a brief summary of what I've...

  • Juneathon day 17: long walk

    Rest days are on my mind. I noticed chat about this in some of the other Juneathon blogs I follow, and feel similarly, that it is important to incorporate some level of rest into the week. So I had a very pleasant stroll round the canals of Rickmansworth over lunch, getting quite a few...

  • Juneathon day 16: sun run

    Work has been a bit manic, so I'm doing a short and sharp catch-up of the last two days. My Juneathon activities for Monday were:

    1) A lunchtime trot at work, doing about 3.5 miles starting off down the beautiful Chess river and then meandering round and back. The weather was just lovely!

  • Juneathon day 15: recovery on the mat

    A pretty quiet day today. We had a family trip to near Cambridge, so there was limited scope for activity. The main feature was therefore about 30 minutes of yoga, trying out part of a class prepared by Mrs H with her YogaByEllie hat on for someone this week.

    Yoga is often written off as glorified post-exercise stretching, but to...

  • Juneathon day 14: Wolf Run! Did I mention it was muddy?

    What a lovely day! Our local exercise group had fielded a team of 7 to have a go at Wolf Run. In case you haven't come across this before, it is a 10k challenge which entails crossing various kinds of obstacles and traversing lots of muddy terrain. There are an increasing number of...

  • Juneathon day 13: pairs PT

    Another busy day at work, so thank goodness for my regular Friday morning pairs PT session with Holger. Knowing that I had Wolf Run tomorrow, I asked that we didn't do anything that would scupper me too badly. Somehow, therefore, we ended up doing Tabata battle ropes, Bulgarian bags, burpee variations and other hideous exercises. Then we moved on to...

  • Juneathon day 12: slipping in some yoga

    A long one! I spent most of the day on a train going to or returning from Huddersfield, making some proper exercise difficult. However, I did manage to get some decent walking in, going by foot from Euston to Marylebone when getting home. The lovely weather helped!

    Better still, I made it home before Mrs H's YogaByEllie class started,...

  • Juneathon day 11: piano run

    Wednesday is piano day for my two older kids. For various reasons, today was a long session: 45 minutes each, giving me 90 MINUTES FOR A RUN! Sweet.

    I need to sleep, so I'm keeping this short. I managed a fantastically enjoyable 7.1 mile run round from Chalfont St Peter, heading out to Jordans and Chalfont St Giles,...