Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Juneathon day 9: change of scene

    Well, that was fun! I just had a trip into Town to meet up with an old friend from university. We had been trying to organise such a gathering for absolutely ages, but I'm always hard to pin down because of everything going on with the kids, orchestra etc, and he works in TV so finds himself disappearing for months...

  • Juneathon day 8: night outing

    That was much more fun! Mrs H is now back, sighs of relief all round and Juneathon activities can resume. We had a pretty active day even before she returned, though, what with straightening out the house, doing some shopping etc.

    Post reunion, once we were all home and the kids were dispatched to...

  • Juneathon day 7: parenthood!

    With the best will in the world, I wasn't quite sure what I was going to be able to manage for Saturday. Picture the scene: me, home alone with three kids; various kid events in the diary requiring taxi-ing, and no adults anywhere near. I had a vague hope that a teenager might be able to babysit for a short...

  • Juneathon day 6: something about Fridays

    Friday, aka manic day, how glad am I that you are nearly complete. Fridays in this household are usually filled up at both ends with good things: in the morning, I usually have my pairs PT session, while our youngest has "parents come in for some reading" sessions; Mrs H teaches yoga after drop-off too; then the evenings tend to...

  • Juneathon day 5: you win some, you lose some

    If you'd asked me an hour ago how today went, I'd be sounding pretty up-beat. Yes, the working day was mostly topped and tailed by school drop-off/pick-up, followed by some extensive juggling to make it to an early evening meeting at school to do with going up to senior school. But, after that, I had the chance to head out for a run...

  • Juneathon day 4: the best-laid schemes...

    Mice weren't to blame, but things didn't quite go as expected today.

    For starters, it was pointed out to me, quite correctly, and indeed picked up by Cathy, that I had described my last Juneathon post as a Janathon one ... and that I therefore had to perform the forfeit of 20 press-ups. Well, the office was empty so...

  • Juneathon day 3: when opportunity knocks

    (Edit: argh! It was just pointed out that I had called this post a Janathon one! Fixed...)

    And so it was that Mrs H relocated for a few days into the wilds of North Wales, staying at an ashram as part of her yoga teacher training. I'm holding the fort back home while she's away, keeping the kids happy...

  • Juneathon day 2: DOMS, meet DOMS

    There is no way that I'm going to be able to run every day during Juneathon, even though I would have loved to. If nothing else, the next few days will be tricky, as unfortunately Mrs H is away for the rest of the week, and child-related activity and work aren't going to give me much leeway during this time....

  • Last-minute decision! And so goes day 1 of Juneathon...

    How time flies! June caught me unawares, and so it was this morning that I saw I had a decision to take: Juneathon or not? But you know the answer already!

    So, on to day 1. A day-trip to visit family with the kids saw us only back and sorted by about 10pm, so a quick run was about the...

  • Janathon day 31: all over; thanks, Cathy!

    Today's effort comprises:

    1) My usual Friday pairs PT session this morning, which again featured mainly upper-body exercise, with much weights
    2) Quite a lot of walking - I'm heading to the O2 Arena later to watch my 10yo sing in Young Voices...

    For me, Janathon finished about 3 weeks ago when my ankle packed up; I'm really hoping...