Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 30: ankle exercises - please get better for running, ankle

    Right, that didn't quite go to plan. I had been down for Wild Training, but circumstances changed so Mrs H went instead. Without being able to run, I mainly walked quite a lot to keep my FitBit happy (11,487 steps / 5.28 miles), and did the exercises I've been prescribed to get my ankle back on the road to running...

  • Janathon day 29: lovely way to start the day

    I confess that, not being able to run, Janathon has turned out rather different from what I had hoped. My ideal outcome was to have run every day and boosted my stamina and range well beyond current levels; that's not how it's worked out at all. I've therefore had to console myself, largely, with lots of circuits and other similar...

  • Janathon days 25-28: mixed bag, and trip to the physio

    After the success of Friday's pairs PT session, the weekend was a bit of a come-down. Saturday saw me taking the highly unusual step of having to go to bed for a few hours in the afternoon, and Sunday was equally quiet. I think I must have been going down with something last week, which has been pretty mild but...

  • Janathon day 23: Tabata (again, again)

    Today resembled yesterday in lots of ways, except that instead of kids having piano, I had orchestra. So - for the third time in three days - I found myself in Hervines Park doing Tabata squats and lunges, with work on the Bulgarian Bags as well. By this point, as you can imagine, my back-side was on fire! Warming up,...

  • Janathon day 24: PT pairs

    Friday is PT day. My PT partner has just seen a physio who said he can't run or do lunges or squats for 6 weeks, so we were on a strict upper-body regime today. After yesterday's final nail in the squatting coffin, I wasn't going to argue!

    As ever, Darrell our trainer found a way to destroy us within...

  • Janathon day 22: Tabata (again)

    I'm glad that not every week is as busy as this one. I've managed the activities, just about, but getting them up on the blog has been a bit harder!

    Wednesday is piano day for our two oldest kids, and we have devised a cunning "tag parenting" approach to deal with it. This involves one of us going to...

  • Janathon day 21: Wild Training, plus a bit

    Today has been characteristically busy. Despite this, though, this evening I was booked onto our Wild Training class at 7:30. We're still doing lots of Tabata training, and since I'm not running, I found myself doing walking lunges with a 12Kg Bulgarian Bag thrown over my shoulders in the Tabata style. My glutes are now rather on fire! Come to...

  • Janathon day 20: things that aren't running

    Since I still can't run, and life is very busy, I am looking at things that are easy to slot in but help stay fit. My FitBit is helping here, reminding me to walk rather than drive, for instance. Press-ups are also coming along nicely too.

    Despite feeling rather ropey yesterday afternoon/evening and having to come off my exercise...

  • Janathon day 19: hockey dad!

    Today was the second of Mrs H's "yoga days", so any kind of fitness outing was out of the question. However, my 10yo had a hockey tournament in Tring, so we headed out that way for the game. It was a lovely day, but very cold indeed! My 5yo and I trudged round the hockey park for an hour or...