Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 17: pairs PT session

    I always look forward to Fridays, and my regular PT session with my friend Holger. Today was no exception - although, if I had known in advance how hard a session it was going to be, I might have felt differently! It was quite a simple session, but hideously cardiovascular... The main features were a Bosu ball (I had no...

  • Janathon day 16: press-ups, mainly

    When did life get so busy? What with not being able to run, and work and other activities pressing in on all sides, it is proving tricky to come up with interesting Janathon activities. Today was another press-up day, trying to build up my capacity. I managed 50 of them, which I'm pretty happy with.

    I also found out how...

  • Janathon day 15: Tabata

    So running is still off the cards. The substitute for that activity at tonight's training was therefore squats and lunges, again. That gave me about 120 squats, and 90 lunges each on my left and right legs. Having done this twice during the week, my legs are really quite achy; I am consoling myself with the thought that all this...

  • Janathon day 14: yoga!

    Today was looking a bit tricky on the Janathon front. Mrs H took my Wild Training spot as I've been feeling just a little bit under the weather, and my feet have been a bit sore all day after attempting to break in my new Doctor Marten's shoes! So I was very happy to hear that Mrs H needed someone...

  • Janathon day 13: hello glutes, goodbye toes

    How can it be that things are getting so busy this early in the year! Work is really hotting up at the moment, meaning some late nights are coming up. Janathon today has been alright, though.

    First, I managed another set of 20 press-ups (not wanting to lose the momentum started on the last few days of not running). I'm...

  • Janathon day 12: getting better at press-ups!

    Another day off the running; thought I would up the number of press-ups instead. Today I managed 40 of them, in 2 sets of 20. Pretty happy with that!!

    Let's hope next week is calmer and less injury-laden than this one!!

  • Janathon day 11: continuing to tread water

    I really hate being injured! My ankle is making a - literally - painfully slow recovery. In the meantime, I'm having to think of alternatives. Today was 20 press-ups, but if anyone has any suggestions for 12th onwards, I'd love to hear them!

    The last few days have been pretty mad, what with our brilliant Wild Training outing on Friday...

  • Janathon day 10: still not running...

    Today has been pretty frantic, in a good way, and right now I am buying drinks at a Wild Training social event, so all I've managed is 20 TRX press-ups.

    (Written later) That was quite an evening! There's a lovely group of people doing Wild Training, and we had a brilliant night out at the Boot and Slipper, hence...

  • Janathon day 9: what a plank... Plus - green smoothies

    Something I've done over the last few days has made my left leg hurt, so running is off the cards for a few days to give it a chance to recover. What with today being so busy, and my orchestra rehearsal this evening (I play flute, and we have a next weekend), I haven't had time for much exercise today....

  • Janathon day 8: marathon (not literally, though)

    Good day on FitBit!
    (Edit - was originally called day 9, but that's silly!) Given last night's 3 1/2 hours of sleep, today has been astonishing! After a productive day at work, I managed to fit in 50 minutes of a Wild Training session (running just over 1.7 miles in the process), then took the kids...