Short daily thoughts


Short daily writings

  • Janathon day 7: short and sharp...

    That applies both to today's exercise and this blog post. I've only just finished a totally different project I've got on the go, and it is gone 2:30AM, so I will do no more now than report that I managed Wild Training in Hervines Park this evening. the key features of note are:

    1) It wasn't raining (although the ground...

  • Janathon day 6: open the floodgates!

    So today was my first day back in the office this year (if not actually my first day of work), so I thought I would do a lunchtime run. I had a rough idea of a route, heading round the lakes at the aquadrome, and cheerfully set off in that direction. It was a lovely run, staying mostly dry and...

  • Janathon day 5: just sneaked under the wire...

    Oh that was fun! It's been a really busy day, but I just managed to sneak in a quick run before bed. Same route as Friday, recorded on my watch as 2.94 miles in 33:31. Can't tell yet how that compared, but will check when home. My DOMS from friday is now even worse, so I was worried that the...

  • Janathon day 4: Wild Training, a brief run - and FitBit!

    Today was my first session this year of Wild Training, a local outdoor fitness group I've been attending for a couple of years now. There's a lovely mix of people at the group, and sessions manage a fine balance between good, strong exercise and fun.

    Today's session was the last of a phase called PHA, aka Peripheral Heart...

  • Janathon day 3: exercise sandwich...

    This is going to be a brief write-up, what with it being late. Today has been an exercise sandwich, squashed as it was between two thick-sliced chunks of exercise and with some good slabs of meat in between!

    The bottom slice started at 7:30am, when me and my friend Holger had our regular Friday morning personal training session with our...

  • Janathon day 1: hello 2014!

    Happy new year, everyone! So here we are again: a month of training every day for Janathon.

    In the absence of any decent internet connection whatsoever at the place I'm staying, I will do nothing more at this point than record the fact that I made it out for an extremely wet and windy run through some muddy Isle of...

  • Juneathon day 30: Heron Lake

    So, for me, Juneathon was brought to a close with a very pleasant lap of Heron Lake. With an early start, it was all over by 8:15AM. I think it was about 1K or so, which we did in about 30 minutes plus/minus a few. The rest of the day has been, variously, manic in a good or bad way,...

  • Juneathon day 29: last of the hopeless days!

    Words like "write-off" spring to mind when I think about today; with Mrs H out from 6:40AM until 10:30PM, and a not-yet-housetrained Sam the Cockapoo around, there hasn't been a good deal of chance to get out for some decent Juneathon-ing! So, again, all I've managed is a token 1:40 plank to keep my record clean.

    That's not to say...